Posted: Mon 28th Feb 2022

“We support Ukraine’s right to live in peace and freedom” – Wrexham sends message of support for people living in or visiting the Wrexham area
This article is old - Published: Monday, Feb 28th, 2022

Wrexham Council has sent a message of support to Ukraine, as the free world continues to urge Russian President Vladimir Putin to call off his invasion.

The Kremlin’s attack has been underway since Thursday, and has already caused tremendous suffering and upheaval in the region.

The council plans to fly the Ukrainian flag from the Guildhall, and will light up the building in Ukrainian colours as a show of solidarity.

Yesterday people gathered in Queen’s Square as part of a “Stand with Ukraine” rally, pictured above and below by Oliver Stephen.

Flags on the square will now include the Ukraine flag shortly, and we understand other buildings will also see the flag fly in solidarity.

Councillor Mark Pritchard, Leader of Wrexham Council, says: “We fully support and stand in solidarity with Ukraine during this difficult and dark time.

“The courage and determination of the Ukrainian people has been incredible, and we all hope and pray that the Russian government will realise its actions are wrong.

“We would also like to express our support for Russians who have spoken out against Putin and who want to live in peace with their Ukrainian neighbours.

“It takes real courage to speak out against the government in Russia, and we shouldn’t forget that many Russian people do not want this war and will be suffering as well.

“We are praying for Ukraine, and we are praying that peace and humanity will prevail.”

Councillor David A Bithell, Deputy Leader of the Council, says: “We just want the Ukrainian people to know that we’re with them – that we support their right to live their lives in peace and freedom.

“What the Russian government has done is wrong. Lives have been ruined, families torn apart and futures taken away in the blink of an eye.

“The events we’re seeing unfold are terrible, and our thoughts and prayers are with everyone who is suffering.

“Wrexham might only be a small county borough in North Wales, but like the rest of Wales and the UK, we stand in solidarity with Ukraine.”

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