Posted: Tue 15th Jul 2014

Wales To Ban People Smoking In Cars Carrying Children for people living in or visiting the Wrexham area
This article is old - Published: Tuesday, Jul 15th, 2014

A ban on people smoking in private vehicles when children are present will be introduced in Wales, First Minister Carwyn Jones and Health Minister Mark Drakeford announced today.

The decision to move to a ban comes after Wales became the first country in the UK to tackle the issue of smoking in vehicles when children are present.

It is hoped that by banning smoking in cars, it will help protect children from the effects of second hand smoke.

A consultation on the proposal will be launched shortly.

In 2012 the Welsh Government launched the ‘Fresh Start Wales’ campaign, to promote smoke-free cars carrying children and to raise awareness to parents and others of the risks smoking can pose to the health of children.

However First Minister Carwyn Jones said the government ‘need to go one step further and make sure our children are properly protected’.

The First Minister added: “We made clear throughout that campaign we would consider the possibility of legislation when evidence of prevalence of smoking in cars carrying children in Wales is available in the summer of 2014.

“While I welcome the fact the number of children being exposed to smoking in cars has declined, a sizeable minority of young people are still being exposed and adults continue to smoke in their cars when children are present.

“There is also evidence from the primary school survey that inequalities in children’s exposure to second hand smoke remains, so we will press ahead with plans to ban people smoking in cars carrying children.”

In research published today it has been revealed that a ‘sizable minority’ of young people are still being exposed to second-hand smoke and adults are continuing to smoke in their cars when children are present.

The research also shows that the number of people who do not allow smoking in their main car has increased, from 71% in September 2011 to 76% in November 2013. Along with this, fewer than 10% of respondents agreed it was acceptable to smoke in a car with either non-smokers or children, including with a window open;

Health Minister Professor Mark Drakeford said: “The research findings clearly show there is public support for not allowing smoking in cars when carrying children and that this support – and awareness of the dangers of second-hand smoke – have increased over the last three years.

“Although the research findings show that progress has been made in reducing children’s exposure to second-hand smoke in cars, we now believe the introduction of regulations to prohibit smoking in private vehicles carrying under-18s is needed as the final piece in the jigsaw to eliminate the harm and end persistent inequalities in exposure.

“We will now consult on these proposals and I urge people to have their say.”

Shortly after this morning’s announcement, we asked our Twitter followers what they thought of the proposals, with many tweeting their support for the news.

Dan tweeted: “Hopefully the next step to banning it out right”, while Gaz Brown said: “A parent shouldn’t need a law to stop them smoking in a car with a child in my humble opinion’.

Jon echoed these thoughts and added: ” I think it’s ridiculous and parents should have more common sense instead of having to be forced into it.”

However others stated that a ban would be ‘unenforceable’, with Barbara Jones tweeting: “I’m sure that the police have more important things to do than stop every smoker they see to check if there are children in the car!”

Neil Charles also got in touch to say: “I don’t think it can be enforced. Lots of people still use their phone when driving, which has been illegal for years.”

A video detailing this morning’s announcement can be viewed in full below:

What do you think of this morning’s news? Tweet @wrexham with your thoughts!

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