Posted: Mon 3rd Apr 2023

“Slight delay” to markets refurb – “traders will currently stay in their current markets until the decant works are completed” for people living in or visiting the Wrexham area
This article is old - Published: Monday, Apr 3rd, 2023

Wrexham Council have confirmed there are delays to the refurbishment of the General and Butchers’ markets, and so ‘traders will currently stay in their current markets until the decant works are completed’.

The Butcher’s Market was opened in 1848 and the General Market in 1879 and landlords Wrexham Council say they are both now “in need of essential maintenance, repairs and modernisation”.

Improvements have been on the cards for several years, and now with funding via the National Lottery Heritage Fund, Welsh Government and the council’s capital programme works are set to take place – just not yet. Previously the council explained “a temporary home” for traders was sought, with a location on Queen’s Square ‘secured’. As of October that was due to be fitted out ready for a move around now – however that has not happened.

Responding to a query from the council explained, “Whilst we have had interest in relation to the main refurbishment tender works on the general & butchers market buildings, unfortunately we did not have interest in the fit out decant buildings on Queen Square, that would need to be completed in advance of the main contract.

“This inevitably will cause a slight delay in works starting with the main refurbishment works, as we look at options for getting works completed on the Queens Square location ahead of any possible decant.

“Therefore traders will currently stay in their current markets until the decant works are completed.

“Traders were made aware of this information once the circumstances were clear to us, as we aim to keep our traders clearly informed throughout the process.

“We are currently also working on an awareness campaign to promote our markets.”

Wrexham’s Markets are OPEN – so pop in and support your local traders!

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