Posted: Thu 20th Jun 2024

Search and Rescue team called to group of DofE youngsters lost on Moel Famau for people living in or visiting the Wrexham area

Volunteers from the North East Wales Search and Rescue (NEWSAR) were called out to Moel Famau on Monday after 12 Duke of Edinburgh Award walkers lost their way.

The walkers were unreachable, with their phones going to voicemail and attempts to locate them through phone tracking proving unsuccessful.

After being alerted to the incident by North Wales Police the group were found near Ffrirth Mountain.

A spokesperson for NEWSAR said: “We had no location for them, all their phones were going to voicemail and we had no luck with phone find.

“Whilst getting the wheels in motion to deploy the team, we got a phone call from a lovely farmer who had come across the group.

“She was able to give us a location near Ffrith Mountain and had done a great job in calming them all down.

“Once the location was confirmed, we got 3 fully crewed vehicles deployed from base to meet up with them.

“We confirmed we had all 12, checked them over, and were then able to leave them with their teachers who arrived on the scene shortly after us

“Our team of volunteers are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days responding to those in need throughout Flintshire, Denbighshire, Wrexham and parts of Conwy and Powys.”

As a registered charity, NEWSAR relies heavily on grants, donations, legacies, and community collections.

You can support NEWSAR and the volunteers’ work, here.

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