Posted: Fri 3rd May 2019

Racecourse land deal: “It is vital all parties work together in order to achieve the best possible outcome for the town” for people living in or visiting the Wrexham area
This article is old - Published: Friday, May 3rd, 2019

Wrexham’s AM Lesley Griffiths, who has been in discussions for many months with the relevant bodies, has told “It’s no secret the land known as 2-4 Mold Road is crucial to Wrexham AFC and the future of the Racecourse Stadium.”

Yesterday we reported how the land had been subject to an offer from Welsh Government to secure it, however a new interested party appears to have emerged, prompting a warning from the Leader of Wrexham Council that ‘caution’ should be taken on fresh bidders.

Lesley Griffiths AM explained about the Kop land, “As it was surplus to Glyndwr University’s requirements, the Welsh Government first offered to purchase the land a year ago in order to safeguard the area for any potential future redevelopment. After no decision was made, the Welsh Government increased their original bid in January 2019.”

“As well as attempting to secure the land, the Welsh Government is working in partnership with Glyndwr University and Wrexham County Borough Council on the Wrexham Gateway Project, which is focused on regenerating the area of the town centred around Wrexham General Station and the Mold Road corridor. A feasibility study examining all development opportunities is expected to be published this month. I hope its conclusion will result in the land being secured to enable the process to move forward.”

“The process is time-consuming but the Welsh Government’s commitment and ongoing work cannot be questioned.

“I will continue to work with the relevant partners and am scheduled to meet with Wrexham AFC representatives this month.

“It is vital all parties work together in order to achieve the best possible outcome for the town.”

Yesterday a spokesperson for Wrexham Glyndwr University told : “The University continues to work as an integral part of the Wrexham Gateway Partnership alongside the Welsh Government and Wrexham County Borough Council.

“We are totally committed to regenerating the area around Wrexham General Station, including the land behind the Kop which is owned by the university.

“We have all been working to develop an integrated feasibility study and masterplan. This will enhance and integrate transport links in and around the station and open up new and exciting opportunities for jobs and commercial growth for Wrexham and North Wales.

“As a valued and important stakeholder, Wrexham AFC continue to be consulted about potential options as they emerge – as do all other parties.

“Final proposals for the site have not yet emerged and all options are being considered.”

Top picture: A packed Racecourse for the recent Wales first team match.

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