Posted: Wed 19th Jun 2024

Private pregnancy ultrasound clinic planned in former bookmakers for people living in or visiting the Wrexham area

A new private pregnancy ultrasound clinic is set to open in the heart of Wrexham city centre.

Ultrasound Direct has lodged plans to install new signage and replace the frontage of 4 Chester Street.

The vacant store was last used as a Coral Bookmakers but has sat empty for some time.

Ultrasound Direct, which has 75 clinics nationwide, provides a range of pregnancy scans – including gender reveals, 4D scans, early viability scan, growth scan and a quickassure scan between a patient’s 12 and 24 week scan.

As part of the plans the frontage at ground floor level would be redesigned, including a new entrance and a fascia sign.

If approved the new signage would be in place until 2029.

Details provided in a design and application submitted on behalf of the applicants, explain: “The proposed changes to the building allow for the new occupier to take on the long-term occupation of the unit.

“The previous timber frontage had experienced considerable signs of degradation and rot.

“The frontage was no longer considered suitable for use and required a new frontage to be installed. The uPVC windows put in their place were considered to be contrary to Wrexham Town Centre Conservation Area Character Assessment and Management Plan (2023).

“The proposed timber framed shopfront looks to restore the character of the shopfront with an updated shopfront which is more fit for purpose. The previous timber mullions had experienced considerable rot which impacted the integrity of the shopfront.

“The mullions and other wooden elements of the shopfront had been painted in order to conceal these issues of deterioration.

“The amendments to the shopfront for which permission is sought ensures the long term integrity of the commercial unit so it can continue to contribute positively to Wrexham’s high street.

“The proposed changes will improve the practical use of the site by providing a separate access to the neighbouring unit which currently hosts a tailor.

“The amended layout of the shopfront ensures the legibility of the two units, in particular, the entrance to the northern extent of the
frontage for the ultrasound clinic. The internal arrangement facilitates the operational use of the unit for the existing and any future occupier.”

It continues onto add: “The design of the scheme has been formulated with regard to the surrounding local heritage assets.

“Particular attention has been given to the redesign of the front entrance to ensure this is appropriate with regard to the materials used, architectural style and the local contexts.

“The alterations to the shopfront have considered the following aspects with regard to the heritage of the Conservation Area.

“The proposed development will be in-keeping with the existing character of the area and maintain the appearance and quality of the street scene in accordance with the objectives outlined in accordance with TAN 12 (Design).

“The development is considered appropriate from a design perspective and integrates well with the existing character of the area.

“Therefore, the development should not be resisted on any design or appearance related grounds.”

The application will be considered for approval by Wrexham Council at a later date.

Pictured: The former Coral Bookmakers pre closure

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