Posted: Thu 27th Jun 2024

‘Manipulative and controlling’ man jailed for vicious attack on his partner for people living in or visiting the Wrexham area

A “manipulative and controlling” man from Wrexham has today been jailed for a vicious attack on his partner.

Sureshkumar Thuruirajah, 52, of Kingsmills Road, stabbed his partner multiple times with a pair of scissors at their home in Wrexham on Tuesday, April 12 last year.

She sustained injuries to her head, shoulders, abdomen and her hand.

Thuruirajah was arrested later that day and subsequently charged with wounding with intent to cause grievous bodily harm.

At Mold Crown Court today, he was sentenced to an extended sentence of eight years in prison, having admitted the offence.

The incident happened after Thuruirajah became angry after seeing his partner speaking on the phone earlier that day.

When he returned home from work, he took hold of some scissors and began cutting his partner’s hair, before using them to stab her multiple times.

She managed to seek help and called the police.

Detective Constable Daniel Jones said: “Thuruirajah is a manipulative, jealous and controlling man and today’s sentence reflects the gravity of the offence.

“I commend the victim for her bravery throughout the investigation.

“I hope this sends a clear message that North Wales Police has zero tolerance towards domestic violence, and we will continue to pursue anyone who commits violence against women and girls.”

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