Posted: Sat 3rd Jul 2021

“Get yourself sorted ASAP” – Pop up walk-in vaccination clinic opens today at Tesco Wrexham for people living in or visiting the Wrexham area
This article is old - Published: Saturday, Jul 3rd, 2021

Local residents who have not had a vaccine are being told ‘even if you feel invincible, you should still get vaccinated as soon as possible’.

Details have come as Wrexham Council have provided their usual update locally, saying: “Wrexham now has the second highest coronavirus rate in Wales, and the Delta variant is spreading rapidly.”

“Hospital cases remain low at the moment (some good news), but with all the disruption that comes with having to self-isolate, the situation isn’t great. Lots of people are being affected, including schoolchildren, and our daily lives are still fraught with complications.

“It feels like Ground Hog Day, and the only way out of this – once and for all – is to vaccinate as many people as possible, as quickly as possible.

“If you’re eligible, this includes you.”

“You need two doses for the best protection, and if you haven’t had both doses yet, don’t hang about.”

“Please get yourself sorted ASAP. Get vaccinated.”

There is the straightforward online booking system via the local health board site: , or you can call the Vaccination Contact Centre on 03000 840004 – although lines are quite busy.

There is also a new way, with a pop up clinic being held at Wrexham Tesco today, with no booking needed on a first come first served basis for those wanting first doses. This will be in Tesco Wrexham car park (Crescent Rd, Wrexham LL13 8HF) today only from 9am to 4:30pm . Anyone aged between 18 and 39 who has yet to receive their first dose of the Pfizer vaccine is urged to drop in.

It is expected more pop up style clincs will be rolled out soon – and we will pass on the information as soon as we spot it, or the health board share it.

As well as the pop up clinic, the health board have indicated people appear to be welcome at vaccination centres without bookings with a spokesperson saying, “People can also visit one of our vaccination centres without a pre-booked appointment where they may be able to get their first or second dose (after eight weeks) depending on supplies and capacity at the time.”

In a wider update from Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board, Area Director Ffion Johnstone says: “What we’ve seen so far is that having just one dose of the vaccine significantly reduces the chances of someone being admitted to hospital with Covid-19.

“This is why it’s so important that anyone who hasn’t yet taken the opportunity to get vaccinated does so as soon as possible – especially with the Delta variant circulating.

“For those who’ve received the recommended two doses, the chances of catching and being hospitalised by Covid-19 is reduced by more than 90 per cent.”

Councillor Hugh Jones, Wrexham Council’s Lead Member for Communities, Partnerships, Public Protection and Community Safety, says: “By getting vaccinated, you’re not only helping to protect yourself and others – you’re helping Wales and the rest of the UK move to a situation where fewer people become seriously ill and we can learn to live with the virus.

“So even if you feel invincible, you should still get vaccinated as soon as possible.

“If we want to return to a more normal life, vaccination is the only way we can do it.”

Top pic: The message from the council.

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