Posted: Tue 2nd Jul 2024

Wrexham’s MP hopefuls tell you what – if anything – they would change on devolution for people living in or visiting the Wrexham area

Candidates looking for your support have been invited to share their views on a range of issues.

As part of our election coverage ahead of the poll on Thursday we asked all candidates a range of questions, with a theme based collection from all candidates below. You can also read individual answers to all the questions here on our Election 24 page, plus links to party manifesto, supplied bios for candidates and links to find out where exactly your polling station is!

Question: What are your views on the current devolution arrangements from Westminster to Cardiff, and what change if any, would you support?

I’m fascinated by the Wales independence debate – but feel like it really hasn’t happened yet. In certain respects, Wales can never be independent. We have a long and well populated boarder with England, and much of our lives are reliant on dynamic movement across that border. In other respects, Wales has and always will be independent. We have a strong and proud sporting heritage, our own language, and a beautiful culture and worldwide renown.

The Green Party is committed to every home nation have self-determination. So, if opportunities arise for changes to the devolution arrangement that would benefit the people of Wales, then The Green Party is committed to pursuing them.

The Liberal Democrats believe in devolution and would like, in time, so see a more devolved and federal structure for all the regions and nations of the UK. At the moment there is a tension between Cardiff and Westminster, with Conservatives threatening to override laws made in Cardiff under devolved powers just because they don’t like what the Senedd has decided. In effect, they are saying “you have the power to make decisions as long as we agree with them”. This shows a fundamental misunderstanding of the nature of devolution and is extremely dangerous.

Looking to the future, I would support an extension of devolution to cover policing and justice in Wales, which are currently controlled from England. I’d also like to see a fairer financial settlement for Wales which would strengthen the power of the Welsh Government to improve public services in Wales.
Liberal Democrats believe in devolving power to communities, so I just as I would like to see more powers devolved from England to Wales, so I’d also like to see powers devolved from Cardiff to local areas across Wales.

I believe in devolution, and it is one of the significant achievements of the last UK Labour Government. Devolution is a journey not an endpoint, and we have seen greater responsibilities and powers devolved to Wales as the last 25 years have progressed. I would like to see this continue with more decisions that affect Wales being made in Wales. I also want to see Wales being respected more than it has by the current UK government over the past 14 years. We need the governments in Westminster and Cardiff working together for Wales – delivering fairer funding for Wales, decisions about how that funding is allocated made in Wales, and greater representation for Wales on UK-wide bodies.

I think we need more devolution – I am a believer in an independent Wales. At the moment Westminster controls our purse strings. An example of this is HS2. Wales had no choice in paying more than £4bn towards HS2 – a train track that goes from London to Birmingham and not a single inch in Wales. Imagine the difference that funding could make to our own transportation networks, or our NHS or even simply divided between our 22 councils here in Wales – they certainly wouldn’t have been needing to put up people’s council tax by nearly 10% if that was the case.
We also have the Crown Estate. Valued at £853 million in Welsh assets, the revenue from rents of the offshore windfarms currently goes entirely to the Treasury with 25%
going directly to the King. These offshore windfarms could generate £43bn in rents and that could be used to tackle poverty and improve public services such as the NHS
should it be devolved. We need devolution of the Crown Estate and we need the autonomy to make our ownfinancial decisions as a country.

No response to our Q&A has been received.

In every area of devolution, the Welsh Labour Government has failed the people of Wrexham. On issues such as healthcare, transport, education and housing, the Welsh Government has not used the powers at their disposal to deliver for Wrexham and refuses to take responsibility for their decisions.
The Welsh Labour Government has received the largest funding settlement since devolution began. However, time and time again, Labour waste taxpayers’ money on vanity projects and prioritise spending in South Wales, whilst places like Wrexham miss out.
I am open to a frank discussion on whether devolution is working for Wrexham and North Wales. No further policies should be given to the Senedd until they prove that they are able to deliver on the powers they already have.
For 20 years, Wrexham was neglected under a Labour MP and the Welsh Labour Government. Wrexham needs a Conservative MP to ensure that the Welsh Government in Cardiff is held to account. Voting for a Labour MP on 4th July will simply open the door for Wrexham to be neglected and taken for granted once again.

Devolution has failed the people of Wales, I am sorry to say after 25 years of mismanagement things have only got worse, Health and Social care, Education, Local Government funding ,Housing, Transport / roads and agriculture.
If elected as your MP I would have no say on these issues as they are all devolved to the Senedd.
I would support abolishing the Senedd and return powers to Westminster whomever is the government and call for a referendum for the people of Wales to put an end to this debacle.



You can read more Q&A answers here on our Election 24 page along with more election information – remember to GO VOTE ON THURSDAY!

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