Posted: Sat 29th Jun 2024

Up up up! Wrexham candidates say what they can do for you as MP on the cost of living for people living in or visiting the Wrexham area

Candidates looking for your support have been invited to share their views on a range of issues.

As part of our election coverage ahead of the poll on Thursday we asked all candidates a range of questions, with a theme based collection from all candidates below. You can also read individual answers to all the questions here on our Election 24 page, plus links to party manifesto, supplied bios for candidates and links to find out where exactly your polling station is!

Question: Cost of living is up, mortgages are up, food prices are up, energy costs are up, rent is up – all with inflation still increasing. What can you practically do as an MP to help people in Wrexham with this in the future?

The size of the solution needs to match the size of the problem. Serious and considered ambition is required.

The Green Party manifesto is chocker block full of changes that would drive positive changes, prioritising support to those most in need. Here are just a few of those proposals:

  • £40 weekly increase to Universal Credit
  • Lift carer’s allowance by 10%Remove the 5 week wait for benefits that push people into debt
  • £15 minimum wage, from age 16
  • Abolish the 2-child cap to benefit – lifting 250,000 out of poverty
  • 35 hours of childcare from 9months, provide free breakfast clubs to Primary schools and support free school meals

Along with National changes as an MP in Wrexham I must recognise the incredible work that goes on with community and charitable groups. These people are the heart of the community and understand the issues better than anyone. It would be vital that they are supported, praised, and – most importantly – listened to.

We’re proposing immediate increases in the rates of pay for carers and an increase in the minimum wage for anyone on a zero-hours contract. Rising energy costs have been a major driver in the current cost of living crisis and the Liberal Democrats have committed to an ambitious programme of insulation for peoples’ homes, to help cut energy bills and lift people out of fuel poverty.

Following on from my response above, should the people of Wrexham elect me as their MP I will work both in Parliament and locally to address the cost-of-living crisis. This two-pronged approach is about ensuring that we get the right conditions across the UK to stabilise and grow the economy. Working in partnership with businesses and investors to improve both public and private investment across the whole of the UK, including in Wrexham, so that we can rebuild our failing infrastructure; give businesses the confidence to grow and create more, better paid jobs. We then need a national industrial strategy and work force plan to ensure that we maximise the opportunities for people across the UK to access the learning and skills needed for the jobs of the future – in the green economy, in artificial intelligence and technology, in health and social care and in construction. We also need to tackle the broken housing market and build more, truly affordable homes including more social housing – to buy or to rent – so that people can build their lives in the places that they grew up in, close to family and friend networks. We also need to make work pay so that people can earn a genuine living wage as well as end the precarious nature of too many jobs so that we can give people security and a route out of poverty.
Locally tackling the cost-of-living crisis is about bringing organisations and communities together so that people can be signposted to get the help and advice they need. As Wrexham’s MP I would ensure that the services of the constituency office are available to those that need them. I would work together with people, organisations, businesses, other elected representatives, and the council to ensure that Wrexham gets its fair share of the benefits of a growing economy whilst also making sure that those who need help receive it.

The cost of living crisis is hitting people hard. Nationally we need to be demanding fairer funding for Wales.
On a practical level locally it’s about forging relationships with advice and support services for quick and efficient signposting. Ensuring that communication between these services and more vulnerable residents is established is also important.
Financial issues can often be quite a sensitive topic for people and so being approachable and available is also incredibly important; I would want residents to know that in me they will always have an available, confidential and non-judgemental space and I will always do my best to connect people to the right services and help in any way I can.

No response to our Q&A has been received.

Following a global pandemic and Putin’s weaponization of energy prices, bills inevitably increased but the Conservative Government has worked hard to reduce and stabilise inflation from a peak of 11% down to 2%. That’s a start, but pressure on purses still remain high. The UK Conservative Government has provided significant support to families and businesses, with over £66 million provided for Wrexham alone, to support residents through these cost of living challenges. I have helped hundreds of constituents with financial and housing issues and supported the establishment and expansion of the Rosset Food Cupboard. After my persistent lobbying of civil servants, Wrexham was a pilot area for one of the UK Government’s energy support schemes. I also regularly met with Treasury officials to ensure that fuel duty remained frozen and beer duty was cut. It was particularly important to me that Wrexham also received Furlough, Business, Self-Employed and Bounce Back Schemes during the pandemic.

As for Labour in Wales, they have neglected local businesses and hammering them by slashing relief for business rates from 75% to 40%. Labour also waste taxpayers’ money by £40 million on an unwanted 20mph policy and £120 million on more Senedd members, they underfund councils forcing a 10% council tax increase in Wrexham.

The UK Government has given the Welsh Government the largest funding settlement since devolution began, 20% more than England receives, UK Labour have not been shy in saying they will increase taxes, and if Welsh Labour are anything to go by, your costs will go up rather than down under a Labour government!

Promote inward investment to the area, we have one of the biggest industrial estates in Wales and it needs to be made bigger and better creating local well paid jobs.
Support the most in need by calling for stability in the government with long term plans for a better future, not just one year a head or until the next election.
In a country well governed, poverty is something to be ashamed of. In a country badly governed, wealth is something to ashamed of.
And I am ashamed that people need to use food banks in this country.



You can read more Q&A answers here on our Election 24 page along with more election information – remember to GO VOTE ON THURSDAY!

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