Posted: Sun 11th May 2014

‘Frack Free Wrexham’ Holds Borras Meeting for people living in or visiting the Wrexham area
This article is old - Published: Sunday, May 11th, 2014

Over 60 Borras residents assembled at St. John’s church hall on Friday evening to learn more about fracking around Wrexham.

A series of films and information slides were presented to the 60 strong audience showing evidence and testimonials from communities in other parts of the world where fracking has taken place.

At the end of March, Wrexham councillors expressed serious concerns over an application by Dart Energy to test drill for coal bed methane near Borras Commonwood and voted to reject the plans. Dart Energy, which has just announced that it is being bought out by the larger company IGas to become the largest gas exploration company in the UK, may lodge an appeal against this decision.

Fracking is high on the national government’s agenda and last week the House of Lords Economic Affairs Committee published a report saying that fracking should be an urgent national priority. Greenpeace has reported however that members of the 13-strong committee have potential interests in the fracking industry.

The presentation on Friday at Borras was made by the national organisation Frack Off which was invited to speak on behalf of the newly formed local residents group Frack Free Wrexham.

Frack Off has been researching and compiling information to share with communities across the country where PEDL licences have been granted for commercial organisations to carry out exploratory drilling to examine the area’s geology for unconventional gas extraction.

At the end of the meeting there was a question and answer session.

Wrexham resident Molly Wiseman said afterwards: “Before this meeting, I was worried about fracking but didn’t have much information so I came along to find out more.

“It made me realise that it’s not only about the environment and our drinking water; it’s about our homes too – people in fracking areas are already having problems getting insurance and people who own their homes may well find they can’t sell them.”

“This is something that’s going to affect us all; everyone should be concerned about it.

Anyone who would like to find out more can contact the local Frack Free Wrexham group via their Facebook page here.

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