Posted: Thu 27th Jun 2024

Education explorers smash fundraising goal in Skye is the Limit challenge for people living in or visiting the Wrexham area

An intrepid team of education explorers have smashed their fundraising target and a huge charity challenge.

Karl Jackson, Assistant Principal for the Institute of Technology at Coleg Cambria’s Bersham Road site in Wrexham, and colleague Carl Roberts, Director for Curriculum – Engineering, completed the Skye is the Limit Challenge in aid of Hope House/Tŷ Gobaith children’s hospices.

In recent years Karl and the team have taken on the Welsh Three Peaks and the Crazy 7 for Stepping Stones North Wales and collected more than £1,000 for Menstrual Health Project (MHP) by completing the Cairngorm 4000s – a three-day hike across 4,000ft+ mountains in Scotland’s eastern highlands.

He and lecturer Paul Standring also conquered the four-day Freezing Fingers expedition in bleak, wintry conditions over the Rhinogydd mountain range in Snowdonia.

This time, joined by Carl, they together raised a staggering £1,400.

“We did it! Over 53 miles in 33 hours and more than 8,000ft elevation completed,” said Karl.

“It was a huge challenge but well worth it, through wind and rain and all kinds of terrain, we achieved our goal.

“We managed 26 miles in one day, a half-decent night’s sleep and then were back at it the next day for another up and down trek, but we got each other through it.”

Carl added: “Thanks so much to everyone who has donated and supported us on our journey.

“We drove for more than 20 hours in a minibus through the night before arriving at Skye and then the walk began! What an adventure, it was tough, but we did it.”

The duo also carried 20 kilo bags on their backs – including tents, food, and water – and battled the elements throughout.

Hope House/Tŷ Gobaith area fundraiser for Wrexham Bethan Young thanked them and said: “Wow! What a great effort, we knew they could do it and are so grateful for the fantastic sum they have raised.

“Every penny will help us continue in our mission to give families access to professional care and improve quality of life for their children.

“Huge thanks to Karl and Carl plus everybody who donated to their challenge.”

The organisation provides vital care and support for children with life-threatening conditions and has two hospices and 15 shops across Shropshire, Cheshire, Mid and North Wales helping to raise the £7.5 million needed to fund care for every child in need.

You can still sponsor Karl and the team here: Karl Jackson is fundraising for Hope House & Ty Gobaith (


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