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  • in reply to: One way system under Stansty Bridge #57015


    Sorry that in my last post I forgot to include Taxi drivers and van drivers simply trying to deliver a normal service to the public. It must be a nightmare and very stressful to cope with the terrible congestion this insane plan will generate!! I sympathise and hope the Council soon see sense and, with the backing of a petition against the one-way system, will finally lay it to rest where it belongs!

    in reply to: One way system under Stansty Bridge #57014


    You just justified my argument, but I do sympathise!! Speeding drivers in cars/vans/whatever are the issue!! For God’s sake the issue is the need for traffic calming measures/speed restriction to slow these idiots down on approach to both entrances. If nobody has the sense to drive safely at such a speed that they can stop within the distance they can see ahead to be clear, then there is no hope. Still too many selfish, dangerous and aggressive drivers creating problems EVERYWHERE, not just at this bridge!! Giving way should not be an issue!

    And people are still ignoring what I’ve said about the emergency services and essential road users. The implementation of this scheme is going to seriously impact on call times-don’t blame the police/ambulance/fire services when they are delayed.

    And forget shopping at Sainsbury’s, unless you are happy to have a very long journey home.

    in reply to: One way system under Stansty Bridge #57016


    Pictures of a very wet Rhosddu Bridge here:

    Rhosddu Bridge | Flickr – Photo Sharing!

    in reply to: One way system under Stansty Bridge #57017


    Today everyone could see the consequences of what would happen should this one way system go ahead. Yes, the road is closed in both directions for now, but the resulting mayhem will be just like this when it is just ONE way! The traffic congestion caused by this hairbrained scheme is all too clear. I assume the people who decided to test this system never drive in this area?? It is NOT going to help-it will cause MORE accidents and is completely crazy. I am not talking just about the inconvenience, but the complete picture. And consider what it must be like for the emergency services-nobody has mentioned the hard working people who will be seriously delayed on emergency calls. So if you need an ambulance or the police quickly, don’t blame them if they are late!

    There is ample room for 2 cars to pass through-just don’t speed through like you own the road. I have already stated twice here that I have used this bridge in all weathers and at all times of day or night for 30 years and never experienced so much as a scrape. The problem still lies squarely with careless/selfish driving and what needs doing is traffic calming measures on BOTH approaches and a weight limit. There are a lot of roads in the Wrexham area that are likely to produce accidents and fatalities. I would rather drive under this bridge than on the A483 and all the mad drivers who use that. I sincerely hope the petition to stop this scheme going ahead succeeds and I will support it. The councillor (whose name escapes me-apologies) who is leading it spoke more sense than anyone-it is a waste of money, time and effort, fails to solve one problem without creating several others, and has been poorly thought out.

    in reply to: One way system under Stansty Bridge #57018


    I am still firmly of the opinion that there is absolutely no need for any one way system/lights whatever. It is careless and inconsiderate driving which causes accidents.

    I notice nobody has even mentioned the nightmare that would occur when Wrexham FC play at home. Add on that traffic and you have a complete grid lock. I am still baffled as to why the Council need to introduce a one way system to assess the traffic flow. Anyone with common sense could foresee the traffic problems that are going to occur elsewhere should such a system be initiated!

    The one way system is going to INCREASE the potential for accidents and you can bet the boy racers in this town will have a field day on a Friday and Saturday night. Which is why the Council should be introducing traffic calming measures to SLOW traffic down on the approaches to the bridge, but not STOP it. As I said previously, drive with due care and attention and chill out! I have driven under the bridge for 30 years and never had a scrape or bump!

    And as for Crispin Lane being one way, that is ludicrous. The road is far too long for that and don’t forget the residents and college students who use it. Again, this would turn a pleasant road into a race track for all. I hope common sense prevails and this “problem” is laid to rest sooner than later!

    in reply to: One way system under Stansty Bridge #57013


    Why is there suddenly any discussion about this bridge now? I have driven under it for 30 years with no problems at any time of day-apart from occasionally giving way to wider vehicles, and flooding which happens quickly after any heavy rain!

    If you drive at a sensible speed and approach the entrance to the bridge on either side slowly, and are able to stop easily if necessary, then there’s no real problem. It seem drivers today are all too quick to blame the road layout for accidents rather than their own careless driving. There is adequate room for two cars to pass and also a warning of “Oncoming vehicles in middle of road” for those approaching from Rhosddu for anything wider that may be present.

    A one way system or traffic lights will simply cause congestion and traffic chaos elsewhere in Rhosddu so neither option should even be considered. The footpath is too narrow and a footbridge would be a better option, though it would be costly as it would have to span the four lines (Wrexham-Bidston and Wrexham-Shrewsbury).

    Maybe it would be far better to concentrate on making other roads in the area safer to drive on-there are far more dangerous roads than this one!!

    in reply to: One way system under Stansty Bridge #57012


    Why all the fuss about this bridge now? I’ve driven under it for over 30 years at all time of day and not had one problem (except for floodig very quickly after heavy rain-often within 20 minutes!!) The issue is speed-approach from either direction at a sensible speed so you can stop if you need to! It certainly isn’t suitable for buses or wide/high sided vehicles though. There is room for two cars to pass safely-the issue is with drivers who think they can drive in the middle of the road forcing others to stop-and there is such a warning for drivers approaching from Rhosddu Road. It seems that nobody can accept responsibility for careless driving and instead seek to shift the blame to the road layout!

    A one way system will simply create traffic issues elsewhere, and the idea of traffic light control will cause chaos with traffic backing up to Sainsbury’s and Rhosddu!! Don’t even consider it!!!. As for a footbridge, it would be too costly as it would have to span the lines to and from Bidston and the Chester-Shrewsbury lines.

    Better to leave this road well alone and concentrate on other roads in the Wrexham area which are far more dangerous than this one!

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