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  • in reply to: Carwyn’s Resignation #148022


    Yes. At last.

    in reply to: Ty Pawb – success #147955


    Called in today,a few people there what it will be like when the novelty wears off I don’t know. Still a bit of work going on. Overall not really impressed, at the moment nothing there to get me to go back again.

    in reply to: Wrexham is a great town #147894


    [quote quote=147891]The NHS is filled with oversea types because nobody in the UK wants to be paid crap money to do the job AND they do a really good job. I was in with my hip and have no complaints.

    Eastern Europeans come over to do unskilled jobs that the lazy sods born in the UK do not want to do because they get more in benefits.

    So when they no longer want the unskilled jobs and decide benefits is easier then the Eastern Europeans start hanging around town and the park drinking and causing trouble. They add to the problem of the UK druggies that flock into Wrexham because its an easy screw.

    The Agencies started this problem by inviting everyone over and nobody will solve it because BREXIT is too late and too soft.

    Why did Wrexham vote to EXIT? Was it because we don’t like EU Rules or the fishing thing? No, it was because we are becoming little Poland here in Wrexham and people are fed up of it.[/quote]

    This makes it sound that people who voted Brexit are racist, I voted Brexit because I was fed up of the EU telling us what we can do and what we cannot do. I have relatives who are Polish and have worked with a Europeans some I count as friends.

    in reply to: Zip Line Adventure Park on Gresford Spoil Heap #147698


    When are they going to start on the ski centre.?

    in reply to: BBC views of Wrexham #146197


    Just watching the programme it’s very amateurish, and the presenters are very poor.

    in reply to: Pothole repairs #145065


    [quote quote=145047]https://news.sky.com/story/british-isles-worst-for-flooding-as-europe-hits-breaking-point-11259069

    Maybe we can market them as boating lakes when this happens?[/quote]

    Wow that’s some pothole.

    in reply to: Shopper count #144843


    I hope you are not suggesting our council are incompetent.

    in reply to: Tŷ Pawb (merged mega thread) #144467


    [quote quote=144415]Are you naturally retarded, were you dropped as an infant, or do you just try really hard?

    While you may not wish to patronise it, other people do wish to.

    I had thought that it was not a signficantly difficult subject to grasp, but your posts seem to indicate otherwise. Perhaps you could indicate the part of the concept you are having issues with, and we can try to help you out?[/quote]

    While I respect your right to express your disagreement with the post, I must object to your use of the word retarded it is not called for.


    You got my vote.

    in reply to: Calls for Wrexham to be turned into free Wi-Fi zone #142574


    He is having a slight problem logging in to start it up.

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