Shared Prosperity Fund Ty Pawb

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    Despite the comments of Cllr Hugh Jones that the council are not spending hard earned ratepayers cash on Ty Pawb.

    The Peoples Market was supposedly running at a loss of around, £100k. No grants, no car park or south mall revenue to boost income. If you had credited the car park and south mall revenue as is now done with Ty Pawb some £200k, there would have been a surplus over expenditure of around £100k in the Peoples Market.

    Whilst the £40k is being funded by the Shared Prosperity Fund, nevertheless around £200k per year is being taken from hard earned ratepayers cash that could help the cash strapped budget.

    When I walked through Ty Pawb last week half the stalls were not open or vacant. Where are the traders coming from to fill the two new, refurbished markets?



    Exactly jimbow, WHITE ELEPHANT



    Does the council have a choice into what the shared prosperity fund is spent on?

    Gov.UK website says that It is fundamentally, about levelling up people’s pride in the places they love and seeing that reflected back in empowered local leaders and communities, a stronger social fabric and better life chances.

    A few people may love Ty Pawb but for me it is a soul-less place with a feeling of being in a multi story car park. I must admit that I haven’t been to any events there as it is not a place that attracts me so maybe I have no right to comment.



    I too walked through the place last week, what an uninspiring place it is. Waste of money and resources, imho of course.



    It was said from Day1 that thid would be a white elephant, but Mr Jones insisted on it. Complete waste of money.

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