Plans for 350 new homes in LLay !!!!!

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    [quote quote=94728]You don’t even live in Llay and your business’ are not in Llay so why don’t you have a go at Marchwiel and Llangollen?

    and yes we do know who you are.


    You know nothing about me.
    I live locally and my businesses are local.



    Captain, have you started a facebook campaign yet? also a twitter campaign?
    I think the medium of social media is one which can not be denied it’s place in social campaigning. I can safeley say that in 2007, the campaign i had for real English in the M4 corridor had an impact on the residents. I do not, of course live in that area, not am I English. I was doing it as a favour for a fellow campaigner and this helped a whole community by facilitating the launch of a grammar school and lessons for people who’s English was, shall wew say, not at it’s best.

    Sheefag —- Do you think you could give your input on a campaign? as you seem really to be just someone who has an opinion and not really a foul, Benzedrine puff adder, pushing poison wherever you go.

    Captain —- would you back a Facebook page to campaign in the interest of Local residents, we would see how many exactly are on our side then.


    Captain C

    Just a heads up for everyone who cares: This will go before planning on the 5th October and so will the application for the proposed estate in Rhosrobin. Should be a lively meeting.


    D R

    Do you happen to know which Rhosrobin development? As there’s quite a few planning applications for Rhosrobin been submitted over the past few months.


    Born Acorn

    I would guess P/2014/0876 since P/2014/0870 was refused a while back.


    Captain C


    It will be confirmed next week that both the Rhosrobin and Home Farm Llay applications WILL be going in front of the Planning Committee on October 5th @ 4.00pm. The Planning Officer is recommending refusal for the Rhosrobin one but acceptance for the Llay one even though the fields are sinking and water logged. In the latest report on soakaways the land failed the tests applied completely but the planning officer has just ignored this. Residents have photographs taken over the last thirty years showing the fields flat but now if you view them they have sunk a hell of a lot.



    The planning committee will focus on facts rather than anecdotes.


    Captain C

    THE FACTS ARE the infrastructure of Llay can not take this development, the roads can not cope with the extra traffic, the schools have no extra spaces, the doctors surgery state that they can not cope with an extra 1000+ people, the fields along the Straight Mile and Gresford Road are sinking and get flooded, the soakaway report states that water after a storm should disperse by 50% over a 24 hour period but not even 1% dispersed in that time, the new estate is outside the settlement boundries for Llay and goes against their own LDP, traffic will increase even more when the new police headquarters opens and Llay will be changed forever losing farm land and increasing the population by 20%. THOSE ARE THE FACTS AND ANECDOTES.



    You are once more confusing the facts with your opinions.
    Unless you can back these statements up with professional, non partisan research, you will undoubtedly be ignored.


    Captain C

    Those are the facts and we have documentation to support them. We have spent 12months getting the facts together and even the points such as the fields sinking we have photos to back this up. The case officer for this has changed his story so many times and is just trying to feather his own nest/job with solving the housing shortage at the expense of others.

    I’m sure you know the area as well as anyone and can see how this would ruin what is a great place to live. If this goes through there is a syndicate based in London who own the other side of the Straight Mile (purchased for £16,000 per acre) and are waiting to pounce if this goes through, fact not an opinion.

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