General Election

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    What a lack lustre General Election this is, with little human contact between candidates and their electorate either at constituency level or national level. Proper Hustings seem a thing of the past.



    Leaflets are doing the talking. Certainly for the smaller parties who don’t have the teams to get round the estates there’s too little time for walking the streets knocking on doors and talking to people, even for hustings so, plain old sticking leaflets through the doors only stopping to talk to someone if they bump into them is having to suffice.



    Only had a couple of those and they came via the post !!



    Some gaps in the Q&A’s to candidates as well ……still plenty of undecided voters to attract. Are some candidates afraid to state their views in writing ?


    william c ashton

    I agree to your reply. Some people are afraid of what they have to offer.I surgest you view MY SONS ALL QUESTIONS YOU CAN BE ASURED THAT WHAT HE HAS REPLIED IS WHAT HE BELIEVES. PAUL ASHTON MY SON WILLIAM C ASHTON DAD


    william c ashton

    to make sure the English spellings sugest =suggest ASURED = ASSURED
    Sorry my keyboard is playing up. thank you William



    Will Sarah Atherton refund the people of Wrexham some of her salary for failing Wrexham. She won’t even respond to basic questions from .
    Where is the accountability for people holding Public Office which don’t deliver.
    The Election leaflets either have issues for the Senedd and not Westminster MPs.
    The level of arrogance and distain for local residents is quite extraordinary.
    Farewell to Sarah.


    william c ashton

    As a English mam I have no intention in disagreeing with your Welsh opinion. But it surly means you have a lot more problems with your SENEDD, THAN WESTMINIST. IF YOU HAVE A 2 TIER Goverment. But asy ou know you pay your taxes and and lots of other things to Westminester. You will never change anything without Westerminister voice.



    My keyboard acted similar to yours William when I spilt tea with sugar on it. You need to double check spelling on everything you type before you press send.

    The main thing is that we do use our vote. Not everyone will agree with the result but I am sure that this forum will point out inadequaticies as they arise. I just hope that the general public won’t live to regret the outcome.


    william c ashton

    Thank you for your reply I am sorry about the SPELLINGS I dont profess to be a shothand typist. I AM SURE YOU understood my message and I am also sorry I can,t read Welsh. Just hope that
    things get better IN WALES AND ENGLAND Scotland seem to be doing OK WITH THEIR PARTY IN WESTMINISTER.

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