Posted: Fri 5th Jan 2018

Record turnout for Wrexham’s Victorian Christmas Market! for people living in or visiting the Wrexham area
This article is old - Published: Friday, Jan 5th, 2018

One of Wrexham’s largest annual events proved a huge draw to the town centre over Christmas, attracting a record number of visitors throughout the day.

Final footfall figures for the Victorian Christmas Market have now been counted, showing that 20,000 people turned out for the day-long event on Thursday 9th December.

The event also proved a draw from people outside the county borough as well, with six coach trips full of visitors being dropped off at the market throughout the day.

The figure surpassed the number of visitors in 2016 – which in itself attracted a whopping 15,000 people to the town!

Wrexham’s Victorian Christmas Market has become a key fixture in the town’s festive offering and has grown its offering year on year.

2017’s event was branded “bigger and better” than previous years, with market stalls spanning out from the grounds of St Giles Church and into the town centre for the first time.

The changes came as a result of calls to expand the event and to help ease the congestion at the entrance to the grounds of St Giles Church.

In total there was more than 100 stalls selling festive goodies, including chutneys, mulled cider, wreaths, Christmas decorations and crafts (to name but a few!) spaced out across Hope Street and Queens Street – along with a similar on Church Street and the grounds of St Giles / the church itself. There was also a carousel and traditional Victorian games located on Queens Square.

Christmas is a long way off, however there is anticipated that this December’s event will continue to be bigger and better than ever!

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